Nieuwe testlijn voor FDL
PTN designed and developed a new 2tph conditioning test-line at the FDL Wanssum (NL). After dosing, the product enters a PTN Hot Start Conditioner (TCS). A TCS is a closed, insulated and heated mixing chamber in which a mixture is heated and mixed with dry steam by a shaft which can rotate in two directions “to create a start-up and a continuous production process”. The product is released when the desired temperature is reached. A 100% guarantee that the mixture, right from the first kilo, undergoes the desired thermal treatment in order to combat bacteria, such as salmonella.
After the TCS the product enters the heated and insulated Retention Time Barrel (RTB). The product remains here during a pre-set length of time (maximum four minutes). Alternative routing is to by-pass the RTB through a heated and insulated feeder screw. After the retention time barrel or the heated feeder screw, the product can be further treated in a pellet mill or an Almex extruder.
On FDL’s website, you can sign up for a virtual tour of the new test-line and the other parts of the test facility.